Curriculum Overview
We are incredibly proud to be a part of Meridian Trust. Not only is Meridian an amazingly supportive Multi Academy Trust, it has a phenomenal reputation for supporting schools to enhance amazing learning journeys. The Meridian website has a clear programme of study.
The journey through Stratton is designed to help students gain skills for lifelong learning and to achieve their highest potential. We pride ourselves that not only do we prepare our students for success in obtaining qualifications but they are also ready and excited to meet the next challenge in their passage to adulthood.
- Our curriculum reflects the needs of our current community whilst also evolving for the future years now journeying through Stratton School.
- We have long held a vision to ensure every child belongs at Stratton School, pastorally and academically
- At Stratton School, we care that every child is known, valued and supported to be the best they can be.
- We empower our students to become both successful learners and confident, respectful, employable citizens.
- Our ambitious, broad and inclusive five-year/ Seven -year curriculum instils powerful knowledge, skills and rich personal development to nurture the whole child. Students have access to a range of subjects that provide depth of opportunity for learning and meet the diverse local skills needs.
- We draw on the best collaborative curriculum plans and resources from across Meridian Trust and adapt to meet the specific needs of our context.
- We invest both curriculum and pastoral time into PSHE and Personal Development and extend the boundaries beyond the classroom through trips, visits, events.
- Our House system places students at the centre, fostering belonging, positive relationships and close support. Through student leadership and feedback structures, we give our students a voice which helps shape our community.
- Our CEIAG pathway nurtures aspiration and prepares students for life in and beyond Stratton/ Biggleswade
- Our PLEDGES frame the breadth of opportunity at Stratton School as an enactment of our belief that curriculum is much more than the range of subjects taught during the school day.
- Our curriculum is structured, sequenced and delivered in a way that enables achievement for all students, regardless of starting point, individual needs or background.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7/8)
The curriculum in Years 7 and 8 should build a bridge between primary school and GCSE study, increasing exposure to subject specialisms and provide solid foundations of Knowledge and Understanding and Key Skills in a broad and balanced range of subjects. The curriculum should provide inspiration and challenge for young minds and support them to take their place in society and modern Britain as successful learners, confident individuals and responsible, employable citizens.
Our comprehensive subject summaries can be found here Key Stage 3 - Meridian Trust
Key Stage 4 (Year 9/10/11)
In Years 9, 10 and 11 students reduce the number of subjects they study to concentrate on nine GCSE qualifications. Choosing which option subjects to select is the focus of the second term of Year 8. Parents are heavily involved in this process, which combines information evenings, analysis of student progress, careers information and guidance and of course, and the opportunity for families to meet one-to-one with the Form Tutor or senior member of staff.
Our curriculum in key stages three and four is shaped with the aim that every pupil can succeed across a broad and balanced range of subjects. It also aims to offer social, moral, spiritual and cultural education and opportunities both within and beyond the classroom. Work-related learning is an equally important strand, as each of our academies aims to meet all the ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’ for high quality careers advice, information and guidance.
Subject overviews for KS4 can be located here Key Stage 4 - Meridian Trust
Key Stage 5 (16-19)
All Sixth form students are entitled to a broad and rich curriculum, that recognises them as individuals and supports them to achieve their future aspirations. We commit to creating the opportunities and support to develop each young person; personally, socially and emotionally to help prepare them for life.
All students receive high-level careers guidance during Key Stage 4. Those students who wish to pursue vocational options after Year 11 (typically leading to trade-based apprenticeships) are supported in researching, choosing and applying to Further Education Colleges or for apprenticeships specialising in these areas.
The majority of Stratton Sixth Form students start a two-year A Level (or equivalent) programme, choosing three subjects. Again, careers advice and guidance is important as the choice of subjects can have a critical impact on which post-18 options are available.
Our one-year Level 2 course is available for students who are not yet qualified for A-level study, but who are determined to continue their education through an academic pathway.
Provision is also made for students who have yet to attain higher level passes in both GCSE English and maths.
The progress achieved by our students regularly places us in the top 25% of Sixth Form providers nationally.