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Extending the Boundaries of Learning

Extending the Boundaries of Learning  

‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ 

lotc silver

‘…Meridian Trust provide a breadth of experience through the curriculum and beyond, including an entitlement for all students to educational visits and other activities that enhance and extend the curriculum, including providing a range of opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural education that instils the values of the trust and SoC more widely…’(Meridian Trust)

As a Meridian Trust School, Stratton fully embraces the core vision of ‘Extending the Boundaries of Learning’ and ‘Learning outside the classroom and encourages, commits and promotes these values through participating in local, national and international trips and visits through bringing in speakers, visiting national museums and participating in many events.  We also encourage outdoor lessons in many subject areas and participate in competitions within the trust, locally and nationally. 

We are really excited that we recently gained the SILVER AWARD from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.  This award recognises the work the school does to ensure that we extend the Boundaries of all learners.   

Stratton students are offered many exciting learning opportunities which take them out of the classroom environment.  Trips are just one aspect of this and are keenly enjoyed by many of our students from Year 7 to 13.

Our trips and visits programme for 2024-5 is currently being developed. We aim to install core experiences across all lessons as well as year group opportunities to experience new and exciting opportunities.

Trips are certainly an important part of the Stratton experience as we want our students to learn and develop outside of the classroom, as well as in it.  Ensuring our students leave us as self-assured, confident people, means we are keen to continue to develop our programme of study and experiences which happen beyond the classroom.

Key Trust policies which identify Outdoor Learning are:

What is Outdoor Learning and how does this Extend the Boundaries of Learning? 

‘…Outdoor Learning is a broad term that includes discovery, experimentation, learning about and connecting to the natural world, and engaging in environmental and adventure activities. Outdoor Learning involves the transformation of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors through direct engagement with the outdoor environment for the personal and social benefit of individuals, families, society and the planet. Purposeful experiences in the outdoors can be a catalyst for powerful and memorable learning…’ (English Outdoor Council)

‘…Outdoor Learning can provide a dramatic contrast to the indoor classroom. Direct experience outdoors is more motivating and has more impact and credibility. Through skilled teaching, interpretation or facilitation, outdoor experiences readily become a stimulating source of fascination and personal growth…’ (Institute for Outdoor Learning).

As a member of Meridian trust we also subscribe to the Trust wide PLEDGES programme and challenges.

We celebrate and publicise the trips visits and outdoor learning we do through social media and the Strattonian newsletter.  

Our sports Pages detail the Extra Curricular offer from the PE Team. Sports @ Stratton | Stratton School

We continue to work with Council for Learning Outside the Classroom to ensure that we expand our offer to include many of the activities below.   

In 2023-2024 Stratton School ensured 1087 students (some students attended more than 1 trip) participated in 53 different activities off site.  These included: residential trips to Aberdovey, a Camps International trip to Costa Rica, Away days at Nene Park water activity centre, Dof E expeditions, a trip to Auschwitz in Poland for A Level history students, a ski trip to Austria and many more.

This Year, we have a new residential trip for Y8 and have increased our extra curricular offer to support the new Year 7 + 8 students joining us. We take part in Hub events for the Trust and also local area competitions such as Battle of the Band and the UK Maths Challenge.

As a member of Meridian Trust we also subscribe to the Trust wide PLEDGES programme and more information on this can be found here  

We have a very comprehensive after school/extra curricular/ session 6 set of activities and a list of these can be found below.

We celebrate and publicise the trips visits and learning we do through social media and The half Termly Strattonian  

We also have a very comprehensive and offer to all students who are in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding to ensure we close the experiential gap and this can be found in the Meridian Trust PP charter here

We have very strong links with local businesses who provide invaluable support and opportunities to enhance our broad and balanced curriculum. We are also always delighted to hear from new contacts, alumni or businesses who would be interested in working with us - please email Mrs Lawson directly