General Information and Conditions of Entry
Contact the Exams Office:
- Email: exams@stratton.school
- Exams Officer: Ms. Helen Frampton
General Information and Conditions of Entry:
- Examination Entry: The school will decide on the appropriate examinations for students. These decisions are made carefully to ensure the best outcomes for each student.
- Provisional Entries: If there are concerns about a student’s readiness for an exam, a letter will be sent detailing the subjects involved and the necessary steps to address these concerns. Withdrawal from exams requires consultation with the relevant Head of Department and agreement with the Head of Year.
Attendance at Examinations:
- Students must attend all exams for which they are entered. If unable to attend, they must notify the Exams Office as soon as possible.
- In cases of sickness, students may be eligible for special consideration if medical evidence (e.g., a doctor’s certificate) is provided.
Payment for Missed Examinations:
- If a student misses any part of an exam without an acceptable reason, they will be required to pay the cost of entering the exam. Costs vary between £10-£20 for units/modules and £27+ for subjects.
- Coursework/controlled assessment is essential for most GCSE and GCE exams. Failure to complete and submit coursework by the deadlines may result in lower grades or being ungraded.
Contingency Planning:
- In the event of major disruptions to the examination system, the qualification regulators (JCQ) and government departments have prepared guidelines to ensure a consistent response. Students must be available on contingency days if needed.
Results Days:
- GCE A Level: Thursday, 14th August 2025
- GCSE: Thursday, 21st August 2025
- If you cannot collect your results in person, you may nominate someone to collect them on your behalf with a written letter and their ID. Alternatively, provide a large stamped addressed envelope for postal delivery.
Collecting Exam Certificates:
- Certificates arrive in late October and are issued once. Uncollected certificates will be destroyed after a year. These certificates are often required by employers, so it is important to collect and keep them.
Useful Resources
Two books especially useful for students concerned about their exams can be found in the school library:
The Teenage Guide to Stress and Blame
My Brain: The Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed
Both by Nicola Morgan.
Both books offer valuable insights into coping with life at this busy time.