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Rewarding Our Students

Our rewards align to our core values of Kindness, Engagement and Ambition. Student conduct is praised, rewarded, and commended.

Celebration Events

Tutor weekly commendations – Star of the week based on attendance, achievement points and /or a noticeable contribution to the academy

House Celebration assemblies – Half termly – Attendance, Achievement Points Totals, Tutor Commendation Draw, Bronze PLEDGES

Honour Roll Breakfasts – Termly - Senior Tutor Commendations, ATL, sustaining good attendance where possible, Silver PLEDGES

Awards Evening – Annual awards evening. Gold PLEDGES, Subject Awards, Individual recognition awards, Duke of Edinburgh awards.

Bronze Bee awarded for reaching 100 Achievement Points in a school year

Silver Bee awarded for reaching 150 Achievement Points in a school year

Gold Bee awarded for reaching 200+ Achievement Points in a school year