Stratton School Logo


Stratton School is part of Meridian Trust. The Trust was formed with a simple and clear vision: ‘to ensure high quality education for all at the heart of the local communities.

The school has an Academy Council which provides local governance. It is made up of volunteers from the local community, parents, headteacher and colleagues from Meridian Trust. 

The Academy Council is focused upon the individual school context, monitoring standards and achievement, and supporting and challenging school leaders to provide the best possible education for the students.  The Academy Council role includes:

  • Setting strategic priorities and plans
  • Monitoring standards and achievement within the school
  • Ensuring Trust policies are implemented
  • Engaging with all stakeholders to improve outcomes
  • Supporting and positively challenging school leaders.

Each Academy Councillor takes on the role of Champion for a particular area, in which they hold the Academy leadership to account by providing challenge and support within an agreed framework.  The Academy Council meets as a full body six times in the year. There are no committees.

Key information about Meridian Trust, including governance structure, the scheme of delegation and key legal and financial documents can be found

More information about Meridian Trust trustees and members is on

Please contact if you would like access to approved minutes of the Academy Council or the trust board or for more information.