Home School Partnership
As a school We will:
- Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, supportive and caring environment
- Help and encourage your child to reach their full potential
- Monitor and update on your child’s progress at parent meetings, Tutor evenings, Data Capture Reports and Attitude to Learning Reports.
- Communicate any concerns about your child’s attendance/behaviour/wellbeing with you as their parent or carer, and respond to any concerns from your child or parents/carers
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that caters for all children, including when delivered remotely
- Promote high standards of behaviour, and outline clear expectations in our behaviour policy so we can maintain a safe environment for all children
- Set home learning tasks which supports the delivery of the curriculum
- Offer opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in school life
- Communicate between home and school through email, telephone, Edulink
- Respond to communications from parents in a timely manner, following school policies
- Treat pupils consistently, equally and fairly.
- Set high standards of behaviour with no tolerance of bullying or racism.
- Provide enrichment and extra-curricular activities to increase the cultural capital of every student
- Follow our school policies and procedures, applying them consistently
As parents/carers we will:
- Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time. I will notify the school if my child will be absent
- Make sure my child is dressed in the correct uniform and brings the necessary equipment to school
- Support the school to make sure my child maintains a consistently high standard of behaviour
- Encourage my child to try their best so they can reach their full potential
- Communicate to the school any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour in school or ability to learn
- Make sure communication with the school is respectful, and that I make every reasonable effort to address my communications to the appropriate member of staff
- Understand that I should communicate with staff during core school hours, and although they may at times respond outside of those hours, I can’t always expect that
- Make sure that my child completes their homework on time and raises any issues with their teachers
- Read and follow the school’s policies
- Treat all members of the school community with care and respect
- Engage and attend all required parent meetings and work together with the school in order to achieve the best outcomes for my child
- Read any communications sent home by the school and respond where necessary
- Support the school with the conduct development of my child and work with, not against, the school on all matters
As students we will:
- Arrive at school and my lessons every day on time and ready to learn
- Try my best to do my work and ask for help if I need it
- Do my homework on time and raise any issues with my teachers
- Speak to an adult about any issues I’m experiencing that may affect my work or behaviour
- Speak to an adult about any concerns I have about my or other pupils’ safety
- Wear the correct school uniform and take a pride in my appearance
- Bring to school all the equipment I need each day
- Treat all members of the school community with care and respect
- Understand and follow the school rules
- Look after school equipment, and show respect for the school environment and local community
- Work hard and respect the right of others to learn.
- Value being a part of Stratton
- Be polite and friendly to others, treating the school community with respect
- Treat school equipment and buildings with respect.
- Behave well on the journey to and from school.
- Make the most of opportunities to join in all activities