Stratton School Logo

Parent And Student Feedback

We value your views!

This page provides links to and an overview of the survey plan for the academic year ahead. Surveys will run with all three major stakeholder groups:

  • Staff
  • Students
  • Parents / Families 

The focus of each survey is outlined below:

In addition to our core programme of stakeholder feedback, we will offer bespoke consultations over the year when matter arise that we need to seek views.

These include -

  • PSHE/ RSE Consultation 
  • School Uniform Views (September 2024+)
  • Open Evening/ Parents' Evening feedback Q+As
  • School Meal Provision
  • Homework
  • Revision Strategies (Y11+13)
  • Clubs, Trips and Visits feedback 

Student Survey

Students Autumn Term:

Students Spring Term: Link will appear here in January 

Students Summer Term: Link will appear here in June

Parent Survey

Parents Autumn Term:

Parents Spring Term: Link will appear here in January 

Parents Summer Term: Link will appear here in June

Follow up

After each survey, the Principal will process the results and present to the Academy Council for analysis and review. Results will be used to frame actions and discussion points with the relevant focus groups:

  • Staff Forum
  • Parent Forum
  • Student Council / Head Students.

From these focus groups, actions will be agreed and once completed will be published in the staff, student and parent bulletin in the form of a You said – We did presentation and shared through assemblies.

Community wide surveys will also be part of our commitment to listening to as many voices as possible.