Stratton School Logo

School Uniform

There are six principles which inform our uniform policy and dress code.

  • Be comfortable, easy to work in and practical
  • Provide value for money by being both competitively priced and of good quality
  • Emphasise and enable consistency i.e. there should be uniformity
  • Be easily accessible for all students and families
  • Provide a healthy and safe environment for the body either indoors, outdoors or both
  • Make it easy to distinguish sports and PE wear from “normal” clothing.

Ordering Uniform

As part of our recent consultation regarding school uniform and best value, we will be changing our suppliers of school uniform to F R Monkhouse Ltd who are based in Peterborough.

To create an account, please use this link Create New Customer Account (

Our School page is here Stratton School (CU-0004883) - school (

Sizing Events

On the following two dates our supplier will be here at Stratton with all items and sizes available for students to try on, parents can then order the correct size directly from the website. Uniform cannot be purchased at these events they are purely to guide you for sizing of the various garments available.

  • Wednesday 25th June, 3.30-6.00pm. 

Summer Delivery

We recommend all orders are placed by 1st August 2024, for delivery before the start of term.

What compulsory items do I need to purchase from the supplier?

We have reduced the number of compulsory items that need to be purchased from our supplier.

There will be only three compulsory school items that must be purchased from SWI (FR Monkhouse Ltd)

  • School blazer - Junior Sizes (£26) and Senior Sizes (£29)
  • House tie (£6.25)
  • Performance short sleeve PE top - Junior Sizes (£13.50) and Senior Sizes (£16.80)

The following logoed items are also available (however, these may be bought from an alternative supplier providing all items are plain black with no branding logos, stripes or colours)

  • Black Jumper (can be purchased with school logo) - optional
  • Black knee-length tailored shorts (from March 2025) are now acceptable
  • Black PE shorts
  • Black PE skort
  • ¼ zip long sleeve PE top
  • Girls PE training legging
  • Unisex PE training track bottoms
  • Plain black (non-logo) sports socks
  • Belts, if worn should black, functional, and fit through the loops of trousers.
  • Tights, if worn, should be plain, natural, grey or black. • Fashion items are not permitted.
  • A suitable school bag (large enough to carry exercise books) with a fully stocked pencil case
  • Casio fx-83gt plus calculator is highly recommended

In addition:

  • Hair should not be extreme in terms of style or colour. Any final decision will be at the discretion of the Headteacher.
  • Coats/jackets must be removed in school.
  • Jewellery should be restricted to the following: - a single plain necklace hidden from view - wrist watch - a single plain ring - a single simple bracelet (a plain single band) - a single pair of plain ear studs – one in each ear lobe
  • Make up must be discreet and should not interfere with the student’s ability to participate fully in any school activity e.g. nail extensions (in Technology/PE.) Nail extensions must not be worn.
  • Shirts must be tucked in, buttoned and ties worn in the traditional manner.
  • Facial piercings are not allowed. Body piercing is highly discouraged, should not be visible or of a type which endangers health and safety or prevents students from participating in lessons.


All students are required to have the following items of sports clothing for the start of the academic year in September.

  • School logo PE top
  • School logo or plain black PE shorts
  • School logo or plain black tracksuit bottoms
  • School logo or plain black girls’ sports leggings
  • School logo ¼ zip or plain black PE top
  • Trainers for PE lessons (studded boots where rqrd)
  • Black football socks
  • Moulded football boots for activities on the field or new 3G artificial football pitch 

Financial Assistance with Uniform

If any parent/carer is having difficulty purchasing items of school uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We will continue to give our parents as much support as we can with this so that our students feel proud to be part of Stratton School.  

And finally...

Please write the name of your child in each item of their school uniform and PE kit as this allows any misplaced items to be returned to them.