Mr Paul Forster
Enhanced Resource Provision Lead (Assistant SENCO)
Miss P Houghton
Appropriate Provision Leader
Ms N Bramley
SEND Administrator
Miss E Woodcraft
The Learning Support Department can be contacted by email at sendco@stratton.school This inbox is managed by the SEN Administrator who will ensure queries are signposted to Key Workers and the SENCO where appropriate.
Our SEND policies can be found in the policies area of the Meridian Trust website. Our SEND Information Report can also be found here.
Please visit this link for further information on Central Bedfordshire’s Local Offer: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/localoffer
Central Bedfordshire provide a Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS). For further details please visit: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/info/15/special_educational_needs_and_disability_-_local_offer/141/central_bedfordshire_special_educational_needs_and_disability_information_advice_and_support_service
Ordinarily Available Provision 2024.25
Risk Assessment - Dog In School
Accessibility Plan 2024.2025
SEND Provision Report 2024.2025
We want the highest possible standard of education and care for all our students at Stratton School.
Our Stratton 6 Principles of Learning looks specifically at 'Knowing our Learners' and 'Transitions and Connections' with refence to students with addition needs
We aim to create a positive school community in which each student is known and cared for, and has the opportunity to thrive through intellectual, personal, and emotional growth. We aim to ensure each student can fulfil their potential and have the chance to excel as they move into young adulthood. Contact or raising parent concerns:
The first point of contact is the House Team, where we focus on a graduated response to any concerns or issues that might be raised.
The SENDCo works closely with the Houses and will join meetings to discuss any concerns families might have regarding progress or SEN needs, as we work collaboratively to support all our students. If a further meeting is required, then a separate appointment can be made at any point in the school year.
Students with SEN fall under the following categories:
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Communication and Interaction (Speech and Language Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
- Sensory and Physical (Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Multi-Sensory Impairment / Deaf / Blind, Physical and Neurological Impairment)
Graduated (Wave) Approach: The school adopts the following graduated approach in accordance with the Code of Practice where a student has SEN.
Wave 1: Quality First Teaching
High quality teaching – reasonable adjustment and adaptation within the classroom will meet the needs of the student so that they progress in line with their peers
Wave 2: Targeted Support
A short-term intervention programme, where appropriate, is effective in closing the gap with their peers. These could be based around academic, social and emotional, communication, physical or sensory interventions.
Wave 3: Personalised Learning (SEND Support – ‘K’)
If progress at Wave 2 is not sufficient then external support could be sought, and a new cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review begins.
Wave 4: Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP – ‘E’)
An EHC Plan will be considered where expected progress has not been made despite the identification, assessment and intervention around the child or young person’s SEN need. The procedure for this is in the Code of Practice and will be explained to parents where the school feels this is an appropriate course of action. A
Students may move between these different Waves and the school officially records students at Wave 3 and 4 as part of their ‘SEND register’, which is reported to the DfE as part of their census.
Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) cycle
The four-step cycle of “Assess – Plan – Do – Review” is the basis for our whole school approach to identifying and responding to SEND and will support decisions around finding the most accurate Wave.
Assess – this includes a clear analysis of the student’s needs. This is repeated as the student moves through the school to ensure support and intervention are matched to their needs.
Plan – the class or subject teacher and SENDCO, in consultation with the parents and student, will agree the adjustments, interventions and support to be put in place, as well as the expected impact on progress, development or behaviour, along with a clear date for review.
Do – the class or subject teacher remains responsible for working with the student on a daily basis, supported by the SENDCO, teaching assistants or specialist staff as appropriate.
Review – the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the student’s progress should be reviewed in line with the agreed date.
The cycle is then repeated, and teachers and TAs are asked to comment on the impact of the interventions three times a year, around the time that tracking data is collected from departments. This information is shared with families, and their feedback sought to develop the plan further. We will seek specialist and/or external agency involvement when appropriate and according to need.
Access to the Site and Classrooms
Stratton School has an Accessibility Plan that makes sure the school site is inclusive to learners and guests. There are lifts available to the first floors of buildings and platform lifts for intermediate stairs across the site.
SEND needs are met through communication with outside agencies who are assigned to the student, including visits from occupational therapists to aid adaptation where and when necessary.
We endeavour to provide a safe, secure and achieving environment for students to develop and strive forward in delivering a personal kit of self- tools to overcome adversity.