Values and Ethos
Stratton School is proud to be at the heart of our community and we have a track record of supporting our students in achieving their goals. We are committed to nurturing the abilities of every student in order to equip them with the qualifications and personal skills they need to become confident, independent adults and successful citizens of tomorrow.
Stratton School is part of The Meridian Multi Academy Trust formed in April 2011, which currently has schools across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. The school is underpinned and supported by the ethos and values of the Meridian Trust. The core of this philosophy is:

Valuing People
Young People
Safe, responsible, nurtured, known.
Engaged, developed, supported, consulted.
Parents / Carers
Welcomed, involved, informed, listened to.
Proud, integrated, accessible, partners.

High Quality Learning Environment
Young People
Challenging lessons, inspiring content, curious learners, supported to achieve.
‘Meridian Learning’ supports continual development. Collaborative networks, trusted to deliver.
Parents / Carers
Well informed about curriculum, assessment and progress. Equipped to support their child.
Schools reflect a community served and its ambitions for the next generation.

Pursuit of Excellence
Young People
A belief in the potential of every child to excel. A culture that expects and celebrates success.
Set ambitious goals and model what success looks like. Eager to improve.
Parents / Carers
Support the school to deliver the best. Facilitate participation, ensure attendance.
Contribute their expertise, advice, wisdom and facilities to enrich the school.

Extending the Boundaries of Learning
Young People
Developing the whole child through rich opportunities, experiences, rewards.
Make connections, provide opportunities. Generous in the sharing of knowledge and expertise.
Parents / Carers
View the school as a place where their child is known, supported and challenged to succeed.
View the school as a training ground for a rich contribution to society and community.
Achievement for All
Young People
Everyone able to secure the very best possible outcomes from their different starting points.
Invest in the best possible outcomes for young people and strive for excellence.
Parents / Carers
Understand, support and contribute to the aims and targets set for each child.
Have confidence that every child in the community can thrive in our schools.