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Our House System

Stratton is divided into 4 main Houses of about 200 students. These are years 7 to 11. We have one dedicated 6th Form House as well. Our House system ensures that all students are provided with the support and guidance they need by their Tutor, Student Support Assistant and Senior Tutor on a day-to-day basis. Their individual progress is monitored closely.

Adlam, (Humanities), named after Tom Edwin Adlam, Bedfordshire soldier who survived WW1 and WW2 and was awarded the Victoria Cross

Chaundler, (English and languages), named after Christine Chaundler, prolific children's author from Biggleswade

Franklin, (science and technology), named after Rosalind Franklin, Biophysicist whose work led to understanding the molecular structure of DNA

Turing, (mathematics, and computing & commerce), named after Alan Turing, WW2 code breaker and the influence behind the development of theoretical computer science

The Matt King 6th Form (PE and Creative Arts), our 6th Form Has a house identity of its own. Matt King was an inspirational ex-student of Stratton who overcame exceptional challenges to achieve his aspirations

The House System

Every single person in the school belongs to a House. Students entering the school are all placed in one of the House’s tutor groups, with approximately 24 students in each; these tutor groups are vertical, with a cross-section of students from years 7 – 11.

The Form Tutor plays a vital role in providing continuity and cohesion to the student’s experience of school life, guiding and supporting the personal, academic and wider achievement of each individual student within the form.  The tutor is also the first point of contact by parents and is the primary link between home and school. All Form Tutors are aware of which of their tutees benefit from Pupil Premium funding. This knowledge of the individual and their needs, reinforced by daily tutor times, learning conversations and regular one-to-one tutoring, guarantee that staff make insightful requests from the Pupil Premium funding as needed to ensure barriers are removed, enabling all students to reach their full potential.

Each house has a Senior Tutor and a Student Support Assistant who oversee the running of the House. The Senior Tutor is the most senior member of the House system but is supported by a linked member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Student Leadership

The House system at Stratton provides a wide range of opportunities for students to adopt leadership roles. Students in each House can apply for roles within the form and the house. Students work alongside Senior Tutors to organise events and activities, and other students perform similar roles within each form group. In addition, students also have opportunities to take part in whole school roles, being part of focus groups, the full school council, presenting at conferences or interviewing prospective candidates for job vacancies. More information on the new Student Leadership opportunities for 2024-25 will be made available in September and on our new website as well.

Creating Tutor Groups

We aim to create groups that are balanced in terms of gender, ability, interests, and schools of origin. While great care has been taken to place students with at least one person they know, there are many factors which are taken into consideration when putting together groups of students and advice has been taken from the feeder middle and primary schools in doing this. Experience has shown that where students are assigned to groups where they are required to make new friends, they do so quickly and settle well.

Contacting us

Your child’s Form Tutor is your key point of contact at Stratton and should be your first port of call for any queries and concerns that you may have. Where possible please contact teaching staff via email; in line with school policy, you should receive a reply within 48 hours (not including weekends or holidays). Emails can be sent to, but we ask that you mark the subject line – FAO: Form Tutor’s name 

To report a student absence, please call the school on 01767 220000 and follow the instructions given. Families are reminded to contact the SLT via the Principal’s PA, Mrs J McCarthy on the following account -