Student Conduct
As a Meridian Trust school, Stratton exists to provide, support, and champion high-quality education at the heart of local community. We aim to unite our pupils, families, and other local stakeholders around this common purpose to share experience and resources, to improve standards and to maximise our contribution to their wider communities.
We are committed to ensuring that:
- Every child has the right to learn, but no child has the right to disrupt the learning of others.
- Everyone has a right to be listened to, to be valued, to feel and be safe. Everyone must be protected from disruption or abuse.
- Our academy is an inclusive setting; all members of the school community should be free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation, and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010.
- It is expected that all adults – staff, volunteers, and academy councillors – will always set excellent examples to the pupils and students.
- We seek to give every child a sense of personal responsibility for his/her own actions.
- The school’s Behaviour Policy will ensure that there are measures to encourage good behaviour, self-discipline, and respect, and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils
- Where there are significant concerns over a pupil’s behaviour, we will work with parents to strive for common strategies between home and school.
- We will seek advice and support from appropriate outside agencies where concerns arise over a child’s behaviour.
- The school will fulfil its’ legal duties under the in respect of safeguarding, children with special educational needs and all vulnerable children.
Rewarding our Students
5 Step Process
- Praise - Used verbally in lessons and social times to reinforce positive behaviours and aligned to our values. No need to record, but staff encouraged to praise often.
- Reward - Achievement Point Recognition in an individual lesson for demonstrating our values and / or excellent attitudes to learning. Awarded publicly and recorded on MCAS so parents aware and so running totals can inform tutors.
- Commend – Tutor Commendation To highlight exceptional attitudes and demonstration of the values, supported by a phone call or email home from the form tutor each week. Will be logged on MCAS with Amazon prize draw each term.
- Commend – Senior Tutor Commendation Awarded after a reporting round to students with a high average ATL grade for consistent commitment in lessons. Students will be celebrated on the Honor Roll with an invite to a celebratory breakfast as well as receiving communication home.
- Commend - Senior Leadership An award confirmed by the Principal for the student who goes above and beyond. This will be awarded for a significant achievement or as recognition for an act that has shown an amazing alignment to our school values
Tutor weekly commendations – star of the week based on attendance, achievement points and /or a noticeable contribution to the academy
House Celebration assemblies – Half termly – Attendance, Achievement Points Totals, Tutor Commendation Draw, Bronze PLEDGES
Honor Roll Breakfasts – Termly - Senior Tutor Commendations, ATL, sustaining good attendance where possible, Silver PLEDGES
Awards Evening – Annual awards evening. Gold PLEDGES, Subject Awards, Individual recognition awards, Duke of Edinburgh awards.

Bee Badges
Bee badges are awarded of total achievements points received over a school year
100 points - Bronze
150 Points - Silver
200 Points - Gold
Badges allow VIP Queue use in the Cafe as well as Amazon voucher prize draws and VIP lunches/ pizza events.
Gold students will be offered a GOLD day trip in the summer term.
We are also looking to include a 300 Points - Platinum award in the future!