My Child At School (App)
Introducing the MCAS Bromcom Parent App
We are excited to announce the launch of the MCAS Bromcom Parent App at Stratton School. This innovative app is designed to enhance communication between parents and the school, providing you with easy access to important information about your child’s education.
Key Features of the MCAS Bromcom Parent App:
- Real-Time Updates: Stay informed with real-time updates on your child’s attendance, behavior, and academic progress.
- Communication: Easily communicate with teachers and school staff through the app.
- Homework and Assignments: View and track your child’s homework and assignments.
- Timetable: Access your child’s daily timetable and upcoming events.
- Reports and Grades: Receive instant access to your child’s reports and grades.
How to Get Started:
Download the App:
My Child At School (MCAS Parent App) App which can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store:
MyChildAtSchool – Parent App on the the iOS App Store
MyChildAtSchool – Parent App on the the Google Play Store
Login: Use the email address registered with the school and the password provided to you. If you haven’t received your login details, please contact the school office
Explore: Once logged in, explore the various features and stay connected with your child’s school life. This App will allow you access to all of the home-school communication, allow you to contact your child’s teachers and provide access to manage you and your child’s contact and personal details. The App will show you the latest timetable, attendance and behaviour information as well as the relevant documents stored in school such as your child’s latest report. If you have more than one child at the school you will only need one log in to see all of your children’s accounts. This App will also provide access to the secure payments portal to pay for food, trips, clubs and any equipment through the school shop.
To access your account please download the app and follow the instructions that will be communicated separately when you receive your invitation code. There is more information on our Meridian Trust Website: My Child at School (MCAS) - Meridian Trust
Student Portal: Student Portal - Login (Use the Microsoft Single Sign-on button)