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Year 7 Computer Science


Computational Fairy Tales by Jeremy Kubica

A romp through the principles of computational thinking, illustrating high-level computer science concepts, the motivation behind them, and their application.


Read a magazine on the CS4FN website.

There are a range of interesting articles and websites to look at.


Online Safety

Write a poem on the importance of staying safe online.

Gaming - Friend or Foe

Write a short essay discussing either the benefits of gaming and how it can lead to promoting good mental health


Look at the argument on the flip side and how it can lead to less socialising and possible addiction.


Podcast: Do all Lions sound the same?

If you've ever been lucky enough to hear a lion roar (whether that's at the zoo or in the wild - hopefully at a safe distance!) you'll know that it's a truly bone-shaking experience.

But do lions have a unique roar, or do they all sound the same?

How could knowing this help with conservation efforts?

Listen here to find out more.


Bettina Bair - Inside your computer?

A fantastic short video where Bettina Bair walks us through the steps a computer takes with every click of the mouse.

BBC Click

BBC Click: Watch this weekly BBC television programme covering news and recent developments in the world of consumer technology and innovations.

A comprehensive guide to all the latest gadgets, websites, games and computer industry news.


Do we spend too much time on line?

Conduct a research on the use of technology on how many hours each family member spends on social media and show your results on a graph.


Centre of Computing History

Centre of Computing History , Cambridge,

The Centre for Computing History is much more than a museum. Based in Cambridge, it hosts hands-on exhibitions, educational workshops and a wide range of activities and events. Most importantly, it makes the history of computing relevant and fun for all ages.

Microsoft store coding workshop

Using the Microsoft store discover something new or build on your skills in our free, interactive workshops and trainings.

Innovative Technology

Make a video or a podcast looking at future trends in technology.

How is the future technology helping us in our daily lives?

Will future technology help or hinder us as humans?


Ciphers and code breaking

Using this link look at how much fun it is to break code and solve ciphers.

3D Animation

Using Alice follow the tutorial and create your first 3D animation.

BBC Microbit

Go to the BBC Microbit make code website and make a project. The project could be an interactive game or a Science experiment. Use the projects on the website for inspiration.

Create your own website

Use this Codeacademy tutorial to develop your skills using HTML and CSS to build you own website on your favourite book series.


Develop your Python programming skills by challenging yourself to complete as many tasks on as you can.